JOIN planned workouts integration with
It would be great to have an integration with for planned workouts, which are then sent to Garmin Connect automatically for let’s say the coming week, so your Intervals charts and your Garmin workout calender etc. will be updated accordingly. Now i have to export my JOIN workouts to Intervals manually. Did a feature request at Intervals, they say it's up to JOIN to implement integration.
Jorrit van der Veen About 5 hours ago
JOIN planned workouts integration with
It would be great to have an integration with for planned workouts, which are then sent to Garmin Connect automatically for let’s say the coming week, so your Intervals charts and your Garmin workout calender etc. will be updated accordingly. Now i have to export my JOIN workouts to Intervals manually. Did a feature request at Intervals, they say it's up to JOIN to implement integration.
Jorrit van der Veen About 5 hours ago
20-min FTP test with 'slope mode' or 'ERG mode'
When performing the 20-min FTP test, the 20-min block does not enable ERG mode and you have them modify your power by shifting. In my case at my usual cadance, it was either 320 watts or 370 watts. To get at my typical FTP, I had to modify my cadence too much from my preferred cadance. To enable you to easier obtain a specific output at preferred cadance, a solution would be to allow ERG-mode in the 20 min block, and let the user increase/or decrease the power by playing with the % (standard at 100%). This is for example already possible on standard interval sessions, but unfortunately not feasible on the 20-min block of the FTP test. Another option, probably more in the spirit why ERG-mode was removed, is to enable slope mode and let the user increase or decrease the slope to achieve his desired power output at preferred cadence. This approach is for example possible in trainerday.
Wim 3 days ago
20-min FTP test with 'slope mode' or 'ERG mode'
When performing the 20-min FTP test, the 20-min block does not enable ERG mode and you have them modify your power by shifting. In my case at my usual cadance, it was either 320 watts or 370 watts. To get at my typical FTP, I had to modify my cadence too much from my preferred cadance. To enable you to easier obtain a specific output at preferred cadance, a solution would be to allow ERG-mode in the 20 min block, and let the user increase/or decrease the power by playing with the % (standard at 100%). This is for example already possible on standard interval sessions, but unfortunately not feasible on the 20-min block of the FTP test. Another option, probably more in the spirit why ERG-mode was removed, is to enable slope mode and let the user increase or decrease the slope to achieve his desired power output at preferred cadence. This approach is for example possible in trainerday.
Wim 3 days ago
Power Zone Overlap
I’ve noticed a potential issue with the power zones in the app when using an indoor trainer. The current power zone ratios appear to overlap, which can cause confusion during training. For example, if my Zone 2 is defined as 150-215 watts and Zone 1 is 75-150 watts, I might think I’m in Zone 2 at 150 watts, but the app might still categorize me as being in Zone 1. Would it be possible to adjust the ranges so there’s no overlap? For instance, Zone 1 could end at 149 watts (75-149), making Zone 2 start cleanly at 150 watts. Thanks for your help, and I really appreciate the effort you’ve put into making the app such a great tool for training!
Simon Clark 3 days ago
Power Zone Overlap
I’ve noticed a potential issue with the power zones in the app when using an indoor trainer. The current power zone ratios appear to overlap, which can cause confusion during training. For example, if my Zone 2 is defined as 150-215 watts and Zone 1 is 75-150 watts, I might think I’m in Zone 2 at 150 watts, but the app might still categorize me as being in Zone 1. Would it be possible to adjust the ranges so there’s no overlap? For instance, Zone 1 could end at 149 watts (75-149), making Zone 2 start cleanly at 150 watts. Thanks for your help, and I really appreciate the effort you’ve put into making the app such a great tool for training!
Simon Clark 3 days ago
ERG Mode Smoothing
Most other systems (trainer road, sufferfest, zwift) have Erg mode Smoothing that helps if you have to stop for some reason or otherwise let your cadence drop. It prevents the system from creating just a wall you have to push through. I had to take a break to go to the bathroom on a ride today and it was everything I had to get the pedals to start turning again.
Brian Kelly 3 days ago
ERG Mode Smoothing
Most other systems (trainer road, sufferfest, zwift) have Erg mode Smoothing that helps if you have to stop for some reason or otherwise let your cadence drop. It prevents the system from creating just a wall you have to push through. I had to take a break to go to the bathroom on a ride today and it was everything I had to get the pedals to start turning again.
Brian Kelly 3 days ago
Extended calendar
It would be great if you could access a full calendar to add races etc that you want to either target or just input them so it know how to schedule your training around a racing season
Braff 4 days ago
Extended calendar
It would be great if you could access a full calendar to add races etc that you want to either target or just input them so it know how to schedule your training around a racing season
Braff 4 days ago
Add RPE to days of the week, not just time
I run and go the the gym outside of just cycling, so it would be useful to adjust my effort (i.e. hard/easy) availability on days as well as time. e.g. on Tuesdays I can do a hard ride for an hour, but on Wednesdays I want easy rides.
vmhy 4 days ago
Add RPE to days of the week, not just time
I run and go the the gym outside of just cycling, so it would be useful to adjust my effort (i.e. hard/easy) availability on days as well as time. e.g. on Tuesdays I can do a hard ride for an hour, but on Wednesdays I want easy rides.
vmhy 4 days ago
Feature Request: Export Capabilities for Bulk Workouts with Enhanced Planning Integration
Request Summary Enhance export capabilities for bulk workouts by accommodating an additional user scenario, emphasizing integration with platforms like TrainingPeaks. This feature would enable users to plan and manage their weekly training schedules more effectively. Use Case A user requires the ability to view a week of planned training within their calendar to: 1. Adjust and schedule other tasks or sessions based on their training priorities. 2. Sync with TrainingPeaks for seamless tracking of planned workouts and Training Stress Scores (TSS). 3. Access a clear snapshot of planned activities in their primary tracking tool for improved productivity and goal alignment. Benefits • Enhances user experience by streamlining multi-platform training workflows. • Promotes better time management and prioritization of fitness and personal commitments. • Aligns planned workouts with performance metrics like TSS, critical for goal-driven athletes. This addition would position the tool as a comprehensive solution for both planning and tracking across widely-used platforms like TrainingPeaks, meeting user needs for flexibility and control.
Jason C 12 days ago
Feature Request: Export Capabilities for Bulk Workouts with Enhanced Planning Integration
Request Summary Enhance export capabilities for bulk workouts by accommodating an additional user scenario, emphasizing integration with platforms like TrainingPeaks. This feature would enable users to plan and manage their weekly training schedules more effectively. Use Case A user requires the ability to view a week of planned training within their calendar to: 1. Adjust and schedule other tasks or sessions based on their training priorities. 2. Sync with TrainingPeaks for seamless tracking of planned workouts and Training Stress Scores (TSS). 3. Access a clear snapshot of planned activities in their primary tracking tool for improved productivity and goal alignment. Benefits • Enhances user experience by streamlining multi-platform training workflows. • Promotes better time management and prioritization of fitness and personal commitments. • Aligns planned workouts with performance metrics like TSS, critical for goal-driven athletes. This addition would position the tool as a comprehensive solution for both planning and tracking across widely-used platforms like TrainingPeaks, meeting user needs for flexibility and control.
Jason C 12 days ago
Link multiple rides to workout
Typical Zwift problem: long workout split over multiple rides. Would be nice to link multiple rides to a single workout such that an aggregate workout score can be calculated.
TijmusAmicus About 1 month ago
Link multiple rides to workout
Typical Zwift problem: long workout split over multiple rides. Would be nice to link multiple rides to a single workout such that an aggregate workout score can be calculated.
TijmusAmicus About 1 month ago
FTP ramp test correctiefactor
Ik ben een redelijk explosieve renner en ik weet dat de FTPs die uit mijn ramp tests rollen wat te hoog zijn. Ik moet deze dus wat naar beneden bijstellen om mijn zones goed te zetten. Een 20 minuten test geeft natuurlijk een betere afschaffing, maar het probleem daarmee is: 1. ik heb er een schijthekel aan 2. consistentie is een stuk minder dan bij mijn ramptests. Ik gebruik dus liever ramp tests om mijn zones regelmatig bij te stellen (waar Join natuurlijk zelf ook om vraagt), mbv een correctiefactor (of bias als dat beter klinkt) die ik af en toe valideer met een 20 minuten test. Join vindt het alleen niet leuk als ik dat doe na een ramp test, en gooit dan gelijk mijn niveau nauwkeurigheid omlaag. Dusss: een ramp test bias factor alstublieft 🙏. Alvast bedankt! Tijmen Ton
TijmusAmicus About 1 month ago
FTP ramp test correctiefactor
Ik ben een redelijk explosieve renner en ik weet dat de FTPs die uit mijn ramp tests rollen wat te hoog zijn. Ik moet deze dus wat naar beneden bijstellen om mijn zones goed te zetten. Een 20 minuten test geeft natuurlijk een betere afschaffing, maar het probleem daarmee is: 1. ik heb er een schijthekel aan 2. consistentie is een stuk minder dan bij mijn ramptests. Ik gebruik dus liever ramp tests om mijn zones regelmatig bij te stellen (waar Join natuurlijk zelf ook om vraagt), mbv een correctiefactor (of bias als dat beter klinkt) die ik af en toe valideer met een 20 minuten test. Join vindt het alleen niet leuk als ik dat doe na een ramp test, en gooit dan gelijk mijn niveau nauwkeurigheid omlaag. Dusss: een ramp test bias factor alstublieft 🙏. Alvast bedankt! Tijmen Ton
TijmusAmicus About 1 month ago
Een van de opties die ik graag zou zien in Join, is het toevoegen van HRV en rusthartslag. Tegenwoordig monitoren veel fittrackers, zoals Whoop en Garmin, de HRV-status. Ik heb meerdere malen ervaren dat HRV in mijn geval veel zegt over een naderende ziekte of slecht herstel. Ook atleten in mijn kennissenkring hebben vergelijkbare ervaringen met HRV. Het lijkt me een waardevolle toevoeging voor het bepalen van trainingsbereidheid. In mijn ogen zou het trainingsschema dan nog beter worden aangepast aan de omstandigheden. Ik merk nu vaak dat mijn Garmin aangeeft dat het beter is om een rustdag in te lassen, of dat mijn HRV-status op overbelast springt, terwijl Join op dat moment toch een zware training voorschrijft. One of the features I would like to see in Join is the addition of HRV and resting heart rate. Nowadays, many fitness trackers, such as Whoop and Garmin, monitor HRV status. I have experienced several times that HRV can reveal signs of an upcoming illness or poor recovery. Athletes in my social circle have had similar experiences with HRV. I think it would be a valuable addition for assessing training readiness. In my opinion, this would make the training plan even better adapted to current conditions. For example, I often notice my Garmin suggests taking a rest day or that my HRV status shows signs of overload, while Join still prescribes a heavy training
Thomas Rieff About 1 month ago
Een van de opties die ik graag zou zien in Join, is het toevoegen van HRV en rusthartslag. Tegenwoordig monitoren veel fittrackers, zoals Whoop en Garmin, de HRV-status. Ik heb meerdere malen ervaren dat HRV in mijn geval veel zegt over een naderende ziekte of slecht herstel. Ook atleten in mijn kennissenkring hebben vergelijkbare ervaringen met HRV. Het lijkt me een waardevolle toevoeging voor het bepalen van trainingsbereidheid. In mijn ogen zou het trainingsschema dan nog beter worden aangepast aan de omstandigheden. Ik merk nu vaak dat mijn Garmin aangeeft dat het beter is om een rustdag in te lassen, of dat mijn HRV-status op overbelast springt, terwijl Join op dat moment toch een zware training voorschrijft. One of the features I would like to see in Join is the addition of HRV and resting heart rate. Nowadays, many fitness trackers, such as Whoop and Garmin, monitor HRV status. I have experienced several times that HRV can reveal signs of an upcoming illness or poor recovery. Athletes in my social circle have had similar experiences with HRV. I think it would be a valuable addition for assessing training readiness. In my opinion, this would make the training plan even better adapted to current conditions. For example, I often notice my Garmin suggests taking a rest day or that my HRV status shows signs of overload, while Join still prescribes a heavy training
Thomas Rieff About 1 month ago
Download workout to pdf
I spend a lot of time where I don’t have internet access. I would like to be able to download the upcoming workouts to pdf format so I could see what I am scheduled to do before I train. I plan to upload the data at the end of the week when I get access again.
Joe Chipuk About 2 months ago
Download workout to pdf
I spend a lot of time where I don’t have internet access. I would like to be able to download the upcoming workouts to pdf format so I could see what I am scheduled to do before I train. I plan to upload the data at the end of the week when I get access again.
Joe Chipuk About 2 months ago
Join score in
Hi Is it possible to have the join score visible in to track the progress of our join score
Pieterjan About 2 months ago
Join score in
Hi Is it possible to have the join score visible in to track the progress of our join score
Pieterjan About 2 months ago
The activity tab should have a calendar view
The activity tab currently just is a long list with a lot of white space. It would look a lot nicer and be easier to use if there was a calendar view and perhaps a graph showing your progress of join level, hours trained and eftp too
Arhu About 2 months ago
The activity tab should have a calendar view
The activity tab currently just is a long list with a lot of white space. It would look a lot nicer and be easier to use if there was a calendar view and perhaps a graph showing your progress of join level, hours trained and eftp too
Arhu About 2 months ago
Sync workouts to Strava with a batchjob automatically
Instead of manually sending a workout to Strava, create a batchjob that, for instance, checks daily which users have a workout planned for that day, and if there is an active Zwift connection. If yes, sync it to Zwift.
Patrick About 2 months ago
Sync workouts to Strava with a batchjob automatically
Instead of manually sending a workout to Strava, create a batchjob that, for instance, checks daily which users have a workout planned for that day, and if there is an active Zwift connection. If yes, sync it to Zwift.
Patrick About 2 months ago
Upload as virtual ride to strava
Hey! The upload to strava works great, but it would be even better if you could upload workouts done in the app as a “virtual ride” instead of a “ride” by default. I track the milage of my bike with Strava and have a different bike for indoor trainings. Strava automatically chooses the right bike based on whether the ride is a “virtual ride” or a normal “ride”, but since all rides from JOIN are uploaded as normal rides I always need to change bikes. It’s not that much work, but will definitely forget to change it sometimes meaning the mileage of my bike will start to be off with reality.
denpos About 2 months ago
Upload as virtual ride to strava
Hey! The upload to strava works great, but it would be even better if you could upload workouts done in the app as a “virtual ride” instead of a “ride” by default. I track the milage of my bike with Strava and have a different bike for indoor trainings. Strava automatically chooses the right bike based on whether the ride is a “virtual ride” or a normal “ride”, but since all rides from JOIN are uploaded as normal rides I always need to change bikes. It’s not that much work, but will definitely forget to change it sometimes meaning the mileage of my bike will start to be off with reality.
denpos About 2 months ago
Sync to Hammerhead Karoo
Like the direct Synchronisation to Garmin/Wahoo. Karoo-Users (especially Karoo 3, maybe the best cycling head unit on the market currently) would benefetit from this feature by overcomimg a somehow awkward export/import process.
Fexel 2 months ago
Sync to Hammerhead Karoo
Like the direct Synchronisation to Garmin/Wahoo. Karoo-Users (especially Karoo 3, maybe the best cycling head unit on the market currently) would benefetit from this feature by overcomimg a somehow awkward export/import process.
Fexel 2 months ago
Challenge week Workout
good afternoon, I am an amateur cyclist who loves to overcome his limits and achieve his goals, I am attracted by technology and innovation. I find your App very useful, maybe I can share my advice, training plans sometimes become monotonous, they often repeat the same workouts, to break the monotony I thought that a weekly challenge could be developed, proposing an extra workout, perhaps by drawing lots proposed by a fa move coach or why not by an amateur. I hope I have given my interesting feedback, I remain available for any questions and interactions. Groetjes Vincenzo D’Agrosa
An Anonymous User 3 months ago
Challenge week Workout
good afternoon, I am an amateur cyclist who loves to overcome his limits and achieve his goals, I am attracted by technology and innovation. I find your App very useful, maybe I can share my advice, training plans sometimes become monotonous, they often repeat the same workouts, to break the monotony I thought that a weekly challenge could be developed, proposing an extra workout, perhaps by drawing lots proposed by a fa move coach or why not by an amateur. I hope I have given my interesting feedback, I remain available for any questions and interactions. Groetjes Vincenzo D’Agrosa
An Anonymous User 3 months ago
Integration with planned courses
I ride entirely outdoors, in a relatively hilly area, so sometimes it is difficult to do exactly the intervals given in the workout (I can’t push power on a twisty descent, or drop to total recovery pace on a steep section of a climb). I wonder if there could be a feature where you could upload your planned route (eg the one from Garmin that identifies climbs), and then the app could say something like aim for x watts on these climbs, y watts on the flatter sections, or something like that, using pbs on those climbs to estimate how long they will take.
An Anonymous User 3 months ago
Integration with planned courses
I ride entirely outdoors, in a relatively hilly area, so sometimes it is difficult to do exactly the intervals given in the workout (I can’t push power on a twisty descent, or drop to total recovery pace on a steep section of a climb). I wonder if there could be a feature where you could upload your planned route (eg the one from Garmin that identifies climbs), and then the app could say something like aim for x watts on these climbs, y watts on the flatter sections, or something like that, using pbs on those climbs to estimate how long they will take.
An Anonymous User 3 months ago
Overtraining contribution
Workouts which are classified as overtraining should not contribute to the progress percentage. They should be neutral or even reduce it since they have negative training effect.
An Anonymous User 3 months ago
Overtraining contribution
Workouts which are classified as overtraining should not contribute to the progress percentage. They should be neutral or even reduce it since they have negative training effect.
An Anonymous User 3 months ago